You see, special one, there is a reason
why you close your eyes in the dark.
For behind your eyelids is a known darkness and
where you know your darkness you are comfortable.
One cannot stand to have one’s eyes open and,
just possibly, not see that which is right before them.
To not look is to be blind and creatures with such cowardice as ours
does such knowing ignorance so well.
It is ashamedly increasingly present
and we are, at times, the ugliest of creatures
that rather remain in a known darkness
rather than placing our hand out to that which
stands right before us.
But, little one, find one for you that explores the dark
and keeps the eyes open with hands in front
for only they are those that stumble upon the treasures of life
and they are those that learn the secrets of living.
Be such as that, darling child, and reach,
reach those arms out and one day you’ll find
another with outstretched arms in the dark
just seeking, and not waiting, to discover the treasures of life.
Then learn that two or more together are multiplied eyes and hands
to explore, reach and create unfathomable moments of life.
So close those curious eyes long enough only to blink or sleep.
…. now eat your vegetables.