Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rant #1

This is not about jobs, wages, healthcare, foreclosures, wealth distribution, etc – all symptoms of a terminally ill system. THIS is about throwing aside promises of, desire of, desire against, critique of “entitlement”. This concept is used as a tool of elite to confuse and design. Ignoring all the implications of this concept carries one to personal responsibility, i.e. direct action.
While many look up to elite for design and function they also are confused as to “what is” and “what isn’t” ours. The dismissal (in one’s own mind and group consciousness) of the legitimacy of these institutions (government, banks, academia, police-state authority, etc.) aids one in looking forward, backward, up down and all-around to gain true perspective of individual and group needs and the means necessary to organize and actualize one’s own inspirational design so long as it is not inherently violent to those with the desire to coexist in mutual respect and exchange.

-Strength, courage and perseverance .

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