Monday, April 9, 2012

a start... 4th dimension

An example:

There is something to this mormon culture… now wait, let me make this clear: I don’t harbor ill or think it folly that some mormons truly connect with the cosmological principles of the LDS faith and see them as a perspective of part of the all that is (and here I feel defeat for yet unable to glance empirical vernacular and feel a bit begrudged for yet still cemented in the metaphysic form). But that doesn't allow us to forget and brush under the metaphorical rug the harmful practices of exploitation exercised by a patriarchal institution. Nonetheless, let's return to cosmology and according to a definition is:

  1. An account or theory of the origin of the universe. ----> here I would add "...of the origin and continuing evolution of the universe".


So anywho, our species next evolutionary diffusement? Wrapping our mind (more like unwrapping our brain) around the 4th Dimension (sound the trumpets)! 2 break the dualism of ‘outside’ and ‘inside’ our self. As a collective (all fucking last one of us) face the tribunal (i.e. the liminal phase where we more or less are accepted or not into whatever margins we are touching that we have not yet entered) and then pass into what we could generalize as the 4th Dimension by being able to perceive and comprehend all that contains what our temporarily limited (not statically) perception allows. We will be able to glance back as we do now to the spatial references of the 2nd and 1st dimensions.

We need a lot of help and a holistic approach to complete such an intrinsic feat… that includes and not limited to cosmological perspectives (pagans, catholics, mormons, muslims, buddhist, hindu, wiccans, etc.), philosophies, metaphysical, mystics, wizard-like-folk … and what we majorly lack is the empirical approach of hard science. Let us begin.

Can we do it?

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