Friday, August 16, 2013

2 neu

1. For Sara -
It's a grind to channel the foundational which is void of the insatiable...
it's content avoids nonsense and quickly defined is,
"the engine for our motive; our metaphorical locomotive",
and down to the core where the naked is norm
we find no use for justification
and happily accept anything adept
to feel a life connection...
the dance with an unknown the grinding of bones
a realization, "we're never alone"
and that comes with a must:
never stop seeking my Kindred Stardust
--- alone a reason for living. 

2. When you change your position in relation to a "center" with which you metaphorically experience gravitational pull (e.g. relationships, occupations, etc.) there, if one gives heed, you find what/who you are -- that which you are made of; your history, genetics, biological traces (stardust), your evils/demons, your angels, traits, habits, etc. And as you find those new forces with which you will entangle a beautifully patterned orbit/gravitational pull you can be sure to control (if possible) those variables that are your own. 

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