Wednesday, October 16, 2013

a short preview of something

 an slice of pie from an ongoing project (fiction). Please leave suggestions, etc. in comments.  I would love some constructive criticism.    ------->>>>>>>>>
Day ?: I met an interesting character today.  One who seemed to have short-wired… experienced permanent damage to the neurological design.   Often though I find glimpses of genius in such characters.  This individual constantly repeated phrases related to mycelia networks.  Naturally I was intrigued being that I contain a huge amount of interest in mycelia structures.  Easy to observe in the Fungi Kingdom, human-made technological structures, the brain, summarized perspectives of the Universe, etc. but more difficult to observe in mobile and sentient organisms here on Earth. 
I believe this man is able to perceive the mycelia networks not transparent in the 3-D reality similar to how we frequently only observe the fruit of the Fungi mycelium network and do not take the time to consider the much larger complex structure that lies below the soils surface.  This is just my hope and I feel it is supported by what most consider rants of a homeless madman.  But if one would take the time to sit with a homeless "madman" and learn their coding and vernacular as best as one could they may begin to appreciate the insights from a mad mind… they run ever so deep, ever deep.  Yes, I think I shall return.   
It also made me regret not bringing my personalized mushroom burial suit, what if I am not to return from this journey?  I would appreciate to be buried with my spores, I should be sure and motivated to return home for the suit.

Day ?: He has passed to me in-outward-in foci … it makes sense.  It is as if the exercise was previous muscle in my mind and he merely awakened and massaged that muscle.  The memory was there but I was not aware of it's presence.  I only needed the catalyst to respark the processes.  The mycelium pattern replicated throughout the Universe, from micro to macro (the Universe measured as 'one unit'), is one hell of a ride.  To trace the pattern in all known areas and to perceive that in my mind's eye is an exercise that seems to help me perceive all the ecosystems in which I participate as they exist not only in the 3D but as they exist in all dimensions.  It's as if I'm, literally, beginning to see things that could have only always been there but to which I have remained blind. 

Day ?: I fear that these exercises come with a price. It's not only that I now can clearly understand the short-wired character's rants as cognitive connected ideas; I think I may also be hallucinating to the point where I see physical manifestations of ideas I once considered only were delusional thoughts coming from the associate.
The exercises he considers the ability to access something he calls, 'Kaza'. I do not where he learned this term or if it has is just a sign he constructed from his own mind. I cannot argue with the referent of said sign… it is as if through the practices I truly tap into a power (for lack of a better word) that runs deep and is part of everything around us. Let me refer to it as Kaza so as to be able represent this referent. This 'Kaza' feels not invented, nor discovered… how does one discover something that exists outside the framework of time and space? It just is. All I can perceive at this point is that whatever the source of this Kaza is truly does run deep. It's as if you are standing on mountain and attempt to sense the foundation of that very same mountain and you can only sense that it runs profound and the deeper you go the stronger it becomes, the surface and greatest culmination being the frailest appendage of it's existence.
He has also countless times mentioned the 'Belsars'. Belsars are what we are to fear and what creates our fear. Belsars want our Kaza and Belsars are what parasitic humans are doomed to become … he names them 'intergalactic feeders'. To him they are alien invaders. I used to chuckle under my breath or mention to him that I haven't noticed any alien invasion. At those times he would simply treat me as the others that pitifully look upon him with disdain for his madness -- he would ignore me. I found myself apologizing for my insensitivity but also lately feel I may have to apologize for doubting him… that is if I myself am not going mad. Have I gone to far in these practices of I-O-I Foci? Have I cut myself too much from my 1st reality that when I attempt to return I merely am partially here? I cannot tell if the alien and foreign objects which I see in my physical realm are objects that are actually present or projections from my brain clouding my 1st reality vision. Arguably this could just be considered life -- distorting reality to fit your needs and desires. But it seems beyond that. I say this because the physical properties of those things I'm seeing do not change from day to day. The only variance is their location.
Maybe I should rest. I may be going mad… I have previously, in this life, questioned my sanity as I do now. What concerns me is that never before have I had such vivid visual hallucinatory perceptions when doubting my sanity.
Yes, maybe I should rest… find some tea. 

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