Monday, October 21, 2013

SuckIt NSA: My encryption coming-out party

Dear NSA and affiliates,
I am no longer hiding from you.  I am demanding you dismantle your unjustified surveillance.  I am telling you to go away.  I will no longer encrypt my activities because I fear using my right to free speech.  I am no longer afraid of Big Brother, because Big Brother must and will go.  Here I am... fuck you.
Best regards,
I have long functioned with the assistance of VPN services and also TOR in order to protect my privacy and not help institutions in our Surveillance State conglomerate my identity and participation in activist events, movement culture, radical politics all into one cute package.  Basically, I encrypted my movements because I did not, with the knowledge that the NSA and affiliates DO spy, want that to stop me from practicing free speech.  The knowledge that one is watching you does effect to what degree you are going to be honest with the current going-ons in our corrupt governments, corporations, police forces, military, etc etc. etc.
This week I have decided to have my encryption coming-out party.  No longer am I going to fly underneath the radar and guise my Twitter handles, blogs, emails and other accounts.  Not that I am even completely sure my VPN and Tor protected that in the first place.  Basically, I'm saying, "Fuck you NSA, here I am, you want my identity then have it!".
Now let me explain something else in addition to that.  I have promised myself that I will continue to unabashedly participate just as much as I previously had done with encryption protection.  I understand the necessity for others to continue encrypting their activity ...this is just a personal decision for me.  The greatest power of coercive governments and institutions is 'Fear', and that fear for me has been hiding and not connecting all the beliefs I have placed in cyber reality with the singular individual I am in physical reality.  I just want to figuratively stand up on the internet and say to the Surveillance State, "It's only a matter of time before the world dismantles your corporately interested spy engines."

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